Living well Sleep

Few Ideas for a Perfect Morning Routine

A perfect morning routine can improve the productivity of the entire day. There are days when you get into each detail, cook a delicious breakfast, experiment with new hairstyles whereas there are some days when you must get into the office from the backdoor with a shirt you had worn the previous day. It happens with all of us. But, is there a correct way to have a productive morning? Here are a few ideas for a perfect morning routine.

The Benefits of a Morning Routine

A perfect morning routine boosts happiness increases productivity and helps in reducing the stress level. It gets you grounded and settled for the entire day. It is all about getting started the right way.

A perfect morning routine allows you to start your morning with an intention, instead of allowing the whole day to move away from you. With a perfect morning routine, you can control the day; in fact, the day does not control you. This positive feeling of being on top of things has resulted in positive feeling and effect on your whole day. As with several things in life, small changes lead to big and important results. It is the compounding effect. Your morning routine must include meditation, a nutritional supplement, a sauna, and a workout.

In fact, most of the great leaders and entrepreneurs throughout history mention their morning routine as the main contributor to their success. However, it is not just leaders and entrepreneurs that benefit from a morning routine. All of us can.

Few Ideas for a Perfect Morning Routine

The first important thing is to wake up on time. You must have heard that morning people are the most successful ones. To achieve success, you must wake up at 5 am. If you slept till 6 am then, you are late already! Remember, the early bird catches the worm.

While it is true that many who wake up earlier are generally productive, it does not mean that night owls cannot be successful. Their morning may be late, but they can also be productive. The most vital thing is understanding your body’s clock.

Your body should understand what it should do and at what time. Do not force yourself to be an important part of the 5 am alarm club if you cannot fall asleep before sleeping at midnight. Getting enough sleep and waking up when your body allows you to will lead to a more productive day than forcing yourself to wake up from sleep before the brain is ready. This is a recipe for burnout. Additionally, this habit will not go long. If you are not a morning person, it will be difficult for you to force your body to wake up so early.

So, write down your daily to-do list the previous night. There are many other things that you can do the previous night so that your morning is less busy. Like for example, choose the outfit, pack your lunch and bag. If you have the habit of reading a book in the morning while going to the office, then pick it the night before and put it in your bag. If you want to exercise in the morning, better sleep in your gym clothes.

Perhaps, the most significant element of a productive morning is your routine. Create your perfect morning routine. The way you start your day will decide how your whole day will be. One must master a steady morning routine to attain a high level of productivity!

Loosen the muscles using a foam roller- You will increase the flow of blood, thus enhancing your range of motion and increase your chances of avoiding any type of future injuries. You can even do a short exercise session in the morning. Workout is great for your physical and mental performance and you need to do only 10 minutes to make a huge difference.

You can even find a new healthy recipe. One of the common reasons why people skip eating healthy is the lack of good preparation. Spend a few minutes in the morning searching for recipes that interest you, and you will be motivated and prepared to execute on cooking different types of healthy meals.

One of the important few ideas for a perfect morning routine is drinking a glass of water. Your body will thank you for this later. After the workout, you can drink coffee. If you can skip the sweeteners, it is not bad for you. If you are not a coffee lover, you can drink tea. Tea is not only healthy, but studies show that it boosts creativity too.

Brush your teeth, mindfully. You must do this anyway, so why not take a moment to see what you are doing? It will make you happier as well as calmer. How about taking a cold shower after brushing your teeth? It will be pleasant.

One of the few ideas for a perfect morning routine that most of you might not have heard before is the Wim Hof Method. As soon as you wake up, sit for some time in a meditation posture. Do 30 power breaths. Inhale through the mouth and nose and then exhale through the mouth in small powerful bursts. Hold your breath till you gasp. Take a deep breath and try to hold it for 10 seconds. Repeat these for three times. Enjoy a cold shower. It may sound like a recipe for torture, but devotees swear it improves performance and reduces stress.

If you are someone who keeps on telling “I will start from tomorrow,” then the most important thing to keep in mind is to cross off yesterday from your calendar. Remind yourself that any other day in your life is never going to come back. Evaluate how you feel about this and consider what adjustments you want to make going forward.

Write morning pages. What is it and how it works? Notice the first thought that comes to your mind. Write down your thoughts and say it out loud, or just pay attention to it. Decide on what will be your next thought. This morning routine exercise has an amazing effect on effort.

Express appreciation. Research continues to emerge on the benefits and science of gratitude. Studies have proven a multitude of benefits from expressing gratitude, ranging from how it enhances relationship, emotional and physical health, mental stamina, energy, sleep, and overall happiness. Before getting out of your bed in the morning, think of any two things for which you feel grateful.

Hg your loved ones or pet. Hugging your loved one improves your oxytocin levels, strengthens immune system, increases serotonin, improves self-esteem, reduces blood pressure, and balances the nervous system. In a simple language, hugging makes one feel good. Find something or someone whom you can hug. It takes just a few seconds and it can help you attain a positive mood for the entire day.

Contact a friend or family member who makes you feel happy, connected, and joyous. When you wake up your kids, it would be simple to open the door and call them. Instead, you can spare a few moments to go near them, give them a good morning kiss, and take a moment to connect with them. You can use your commute time to call your family members and friends. In both the approaches, we are not taking time out of our day or add something in our to-do list.

After all, it is said that if you win the morning, you win the rest of the day. All of us want to win. Right?

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