Beverages Health Benefits

Why Is Coffee Good for Your Health?

benefits of coffee for health

The debate over coffee is stronger than ever. Several studies indicate you could be getting more from the popular morning beverage than you ever imagined: Coffee is full of substances that may help you safeguard against conditions that are more common in females, including heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease. The first thing that comes to our mind when we think about coffee is “caffeine. “However, coffee also consists of antioxidants and other active substances that may lessen internal inflammation and safeguard against many diseases. Studies on coffee and its pros and cons for humans are nowhere finished, but here is a list of major health benefits of coffee that have been proved.

Health Benefits of Coffee

Coffee can improve energy levels and make you smart

Coffee can help people feel less tired and increase their level of energy. That is so because it consists of a stimulant known as caffeine- the most consumed psychoactive ingredient in this world. After you drink coffee, the caffeine is absorbed in your bloodstream. From there, it moves to your brain. In the brain, caffeine blocks the inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine.

When this happens, the number of other neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine increases, which leads to improved firing of neurons. Different studies in humans show that coffee enhances different aspects of brain function- including mood, memory, reaction time, and energy levels.

Helps you burn fat

Burning fat is one of the important health benefits of coffee. Caffeine is found in nearly every commercial fat-burning supplement- and for good reasons. It is one of the few natural substances that help in fat burning. Different studies proved that caffeine could boost your metabolic rate by 3 to 11%. Other studies show that caffeine can particularly raise fat burning by almost 10% in obese people and nearly 29% in lean people.

However, these effects may reduce in the long-term coffee drinkers.

Coffee improves physical performance

Caffeine in the coffee stimulates your nervous system, suggesting fat cells to break down body fat. But it also increases epinephrine levels in the blood. This is the hormone that prepares your body for intense physical exertion. Caffeine helps to break down body fat, making free fatty acids used as fuel. Keeping these effects in mind, it is unsurprising that caffeine can enhance physical performance on an average of 11 to 12%. Thus, it makes sense to have a strong cup of coffee at least half an hour before you start the workout.

Reduces the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a major health issue that has affected millions of people across the world. It is characterized by increased blood sugar levels caused by insulin resistance and a reduced ability to secrete insulin. For some reason, it has been proved that coffee drinkers have a reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes.

 Studies observe that people who drink too much coffee have about 23-50% reduced risk of getting this illness. A study showed a reduction as high as 67%.

Coffee could help in protecting against Dementia

Coffee is powerful- mainly when it comes to dementia. In a study published in 2017, researchers found around 24 compounds that could improve a brain enzyme that safeguards against dementia. Caffeine is one of them.

Coffee could help reduce mental fatigue

After spending too many long and tiring nights at the office, it is quite natural to experience mental fatigue. If you want to improve your mental health and avoid serious health issues, then drink some coffee. A review in the Journal of Nutrition in 2010 found that caffeine can help reduce the exhaustion that you are feeling by saturating your body.

Can fight depression and make you feel happier

Depression is a serious mental disorder that affects one’s life negatively. It is quite common, as nearly 4.1% of people in the US suffered from clinical depression. In 2011, Harvard published a study in which it was stated that females who drank 4 or more cups of coffee every day had a 20% less risk of suffering from depression. Another study in 208,424 people found that those who drank more than 4 cups of coffee per day were less probably to die by committing suicide.

Coffee makes your DNA stronger

Dark roasted coffee reduces breakage in DNA strands, which occur naturally but can cause tumors or cancer if not repaired by your cells.

Coffee is the biggest source of antioxidants in the Western Diet

For people who prefer a standard Western diet, coffee is one of the healthiest aspects of their diet. That is because coffee contains many antioxidants. Different studies show that many people get more antioxidants from coffee compared to fruits and vegetables. Coffee is one of the healthiest beverages.

May Reduce the Risk of Parkinson

This is one of those major health benefits of coffee that most people are not accustomed to. It is the second most common neurodegenerative condition, after Alzheimer’s. It is caused by the death of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. As we know there is no cure for Alzheimer’s. This makes it more important to focus on its prevention. Studies show that coffee drinkers have a low risk of Parkinson’s disease with a reduced risk ranging from 32 to 60%.

In this case, caffeine is beneficial, as people who drink decaf do not have a reduced risk of Parkinson’s.

Can enhance energy levels and make you smart

Coffee helps people feel less tired and increase your energy levels. That is because it consists of a stimulant known as caffeine- the most eaten psychoactive substance in this world. After you drink coffee, the caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream. From there, it travels to your brain. In the brain, caffeine blocks the inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine. When this takes place, the number of other neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine rises, which leads to improved firing of neurons.

How much coffee is safe for females to drink every day?

It is true, you can have too much of a good thing. Excessive intake of caffeinated coffee can make you feel jittery and can cause:

  1. Increased heart rate
  2. Increased blood pressure
  3. Trouble in sleeping
  4. Anxiety

According to several studies, it is safe for women to drink 3 to 5 cups of coffee every day with a maximum intake of 400 milligrams of caffeine. But, if you are breastfeeding your child or are pregnant, the rules are not the same. You must check with your obstetrician before adding coffee to your diet.

Always remember that caffeine tolerance is different for everybody. You want to do what makes you happy. You can still get some of the major health benefits of coffee by drinking just one cup a day or by drinking a decaffeinated coffee.

Also, keep in mind that what you add to your coffee can make a huge difference in how healthy the beverage is for you. Instead of loading up on sugar and cream, health experts recommend adding two tablespoons of milk and naturally sweet spices or flavorings.

The bottom line is that coffee is an essential part of many people’s lifestyle. Some of the important factors that make a huge impact on your health are eating a balanced diet, workout, and maintaining a healthy weight. Consuming coffee should simply be an addition to those important health factors.

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