Fitness Food

Treat Your Cold with These Simple Home Remedies

It is quite predictable to suffer from cough and cold during the winters. People having low immunity power are mostly the ones who fall ill during this time of the year. They try various home remedies to treat cold. For most of us, the age-old remedy, i.e. ginger tea is considered as the best one to treat cold and cough. It is simple to make and very effective. Fresh ginger root is an all-time favorite for cold care.

The anti-inflammatory properties present in the ginger root helps one to get relief from sore throat fast. But, let us assume that some among us do not like tea and feel sick when you get an aching throat. What should they do? Here are a few tricks that will help in getting relief from sore throat and cold.

Home Remedies to Treat Cold

  • Ginger- Ginger is one of the most popular home remedies to treat cold.  Take a small piece of ginger and put it in your mouth. Chew it for some time and swallow the juice. You may feel uneasy with its taste, but this will provide a calming effect? In no time, the sourness in your throat will settle down and you will feel much better. You might not realize, but this terrific method helps in neutralizing the poor taste in the mouth.

On the contrary, you can also try another remedy. Cut a piece of fresh ginger. You can either grate or chop it. Put this in a cup of warm water and let it remain for five minutes. Squeeze the piece of ginger and have warm water. Daily, you can drink three or more cups of this juice until you are fine. If you want to enhance the flavor, add honey to it.

However, if you are a tea lover then, here is a unique way to make tea. It is regarded as another effective method to treat cough and cold. Ginger tea is one of the most ideal choices which comes with lots of benefits. It is not only beneficial for treating cold but also helps in getting rid of nausea, fight against respiratory problems, reduces the inflammation, and enhances the circulation of blood. So, when you are suffering from cold, sip a cup of green tea and enjoy immense health benefits. If you are making ginger tea for kids then, you must reduce the quantity of the ingredients in it to make it less spicy.

Always remember, it is better than inhaling mucus back inside your head. However, make sure you are doing things in the right manner. If you blow hard, it will result in sending the germ-carrying phlegm back inside your ear, which can lead to pain in the ears.

  • Warm water- Another home remedy that you can try to get rid of cough and cold is to gargle with warm water in which you have put salt. Gargling with warm saltwater moistens your sore and itchy throat and gives relief temporarily. Take warm water and mix half a teaspoon of salt in it and gargle it for four times in a day.
  • Honey- One of the common home remedies for cold that has been in use for years is honey. It has a variety of antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Drinking honey with tea with lemon can help you get relief from sore throat pain. Research suggests that honey is an effective cough suppressant, too. In one study, researchers found that giving children 10 grams of honey while going to sleep at night reduced the severity of cough symptoms. Studies showed that children who were given honey slept without any disturbance, which in turn reduced their cold symptoms. Remember, never give honey to a child who is younger than 1 year old, as it contains botulinum spores. While they are generally harmless to old adults and children, the immune system of infants cannot fight them.
  • Blow your nose often- When you suffer from cold, you must blow your nose daily rather than sniffling mucus back into the head. But, when you blow hard, pressure can carry germ-carrying phlegm back to your ear passage, which in turn causes pain in the ears. One of the best methods to blow your nose is to press a finger on one nose and at the same time gently blow the other nose to clear it.
  • Drink plenty of hot liquids- Hot liquids are known for relieving nasal congestion and avoids dehydration. Drinking plenty of hot liquids soothe the inflamed membranes that line your throat and nose. If you feel so much congested that you are not able to sleep at night, then try a hot toddy. Have a cup of hot herbal tea.  Add a teaspoon of honey with a small shot of bourbon or honey. Limit yourself to one. Consuming too much alcohol will inflame the membranes and make you feel miserable.
  • Echinacea- This herb has been used for this herb. The root of the echinacea plant is best for treating infections. The active ingredients present in this herb include flavonoids, chemicals that have different therapeutic effects on the body. For instance, flavonoids can enhance your immune system and at the same time reduces inflammation. Research on the herb’s effectiveness at fighting the common flu and cold has been mixed. But several studies have found that taking echinacea can lower the risk of developing the common cold by over 50 percent. It may also reduce the time period of a cold. If you are a healthy adult, you must take 1 to 2 grams of echinacea herb or root as a tea, three times regularly, for no longer than a week.
  • Probiotics- These are “friendly” bacteria and yeast that are found in the human body, some supplements, and foods. They help to keep your immune system fit, and research shows that probiotics may lessen the chances of feeling sick with a respiratory infection. For a nutritious and tasty source of helpful bacteria, include probiotic yogurt in your diet. Apart from making your immune system strong, yogurt is a healthy snack that offers plenty of calcium and protein.
  • Chicken soup- Chicken soup may not be the cure for cold and cough, but is a great option when you fall sick. Studies suggest that enjoying a bowl of chicken soup with veggies, prepared from scratch or warmed from a can, can slow the movement of neutrophils in the body. Neutrophils are a common kind of white blood cells. They protect the body from any kind of infection.  Studies found that chicken soup was effective for lessening the symptoms of respiratory infections particularly.
  • Enjoy a steamy shower- When you suffer from cold, take a steamy shower. A steamy shower helps in moisturizing your nasal passages and helps you to relax. If you feel dizzy from the flu, have a steamy shower when you sit on a chair nearby and have a sponge bath.
  • Use a salve under the nose- A small dab of mentholated salve below your nose can open breathing passages and restore the irritated skin at the nose’s base. Ingredients like eucalyptus, camphor, and menthol all have minor numbing ingredients that may help to relieve the pain of a nose. Just put in outside, below your nose, not inside the nose.

The above-mentioned home remedies to treat cold are easy and simple to follow. So, next time when you suffer from cold or cough, try these!

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