Weight Loss & Obesity Weight Loss Foods

Which Type of Fat you Should Avoid for Weight Loss

Are you trying to lose weight? If yes, then, you must have tried various methods to shed an extra pound. There are many people like you who want to lessen their weight but feel helpless as they don’t have an idea on what are the things they should do and what not to do.

When it comes to reducing weight and getting fit, the first important thing that you should follow is to stop consuming fat. Do not include any kind of fat in your diet. Most of us believe that fat is the biggest culprit which makes people gain too much weight, but there is a misconception that you must clear from your mind.

You believe it or not, for the perfect weight loss, you must include a bit of fat in your daily regime. But, at the same time, there are two dietary facts that you must totally quit if you want to fasten the whole process of weight loss. Always keep one thing in mind, fats are not bad for you!

All fats are not bad for you. On the contrary, our body requires certain important fat sources for proper body functioning.  It is a great source of energy and absorbs essential vitamins and nutrients. Also, fat cells help in blood clotting and fighting any kind of inflammation. Therefore, you should not actually shy away from them. Selecting the right type of fat when you eat can assist you to do away with those extra kilos in an easier and faster way. Be cautious!

Another important thing that you should do is differentiate between unhealthy and healthy fats.

Any type of fat is regarded as “healthy” if it can absorb essential vitamins and speeds up the whole process of weight loss. Therefore, it is very important to include large quantities of unsaturated fats because they are satiating and healthy, therefore reducing your cravings and make you feel fuller.  Also, they don’t get solidified and settle down in your body and rather supply Omega- 3 in the body which assists in weight loss.

If you want, try to quit saturated fats. The reason why dieticians say to quit saturated fats are very bad for your waistline is very simple. They contain large numbers of cholesterol-raising agents like LDL cholesterol which defeats the useful HDL cholesterol and gets accumulated in the deposits. They also increase the danger of inflammation, which altogether causes weight gain in your body. This is also very risky if you are at risk of heart attacks or cardiac problems.

Mostly present in dairy products, baked, fried items, and meat, saturated fats play a major role in causing obesity. Such items that contain a high amount of fat along with calories, which again is not good news. It’s also difficult to eliminate calories from the body. Another kind of fat content you should omit from your diet is Trans-fat. They are generated because of hydrogenation, which turns healthy oils to solids and becomes rancid. This is mostly found in fast food items, chips, aerated drink, and any kind of heavily processed food items.

So, next time you start dieting, keep these things in mind to reduce weight fast.

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