Fitness Food

Top Foods to Ease Your Anxiety

Anxiety is a common issue among many people. It is a disorder that is characterized by continuous worry and nervousness, and at times is associated with the poor condition of the brain. Medicine is often required for treatment. Apart from medicine, there are various strategies that you can use to help reduce anxiety symptoms, including deep breathing and exercising. Here are a few top foods for treating anxiety.

Here are a few science-backed food items and beverages that can give you relief from anxiety.

  • Salmon- It is one of the top foods for treating anxiety. It consists of essential nutrients that promote brain health, including omega-3 fatty acids like eicosapentaenoic acid, Vitamin D, and docosahexaenoic acid. DHA and EPA may help in regulating the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, which can have relaxing and calming properties. In addition, studies show these fatty acids can lessen inflammation and prevent brain cell dysfunction that in turn results in mental disorders like anxiety. Intake of an adequate amount of DHA and EPA may promote the ability of your brain to adapt to changes, permitting you to handle stressors in a better way. Even a few pieces of salmon in a week can give relief from anxiety.
  • Chamomile- It is a herb used for reducing anxiety. It consists of high amounts of antioxidants that prove best for reducing inflammation, which might lessen the risk of anxiety. Several studies have proved that using chamomile can be used for anxiety relief. Studies found that those diagnosed with general anxiety disorder experienced much reduction in symptoms after consuming chamomile extract when compared to those who did not. Another study proved that people who consumed chamomile extract for 8 weeks experienced fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression. 
  • Turmeric- It is a spice that consists of curcumin, a compound that is popular for promoting health and avoiding anxiety disorders. Test-tube and animal studies suggest that curcumin may improve the omega-3 fatty acid, DHA in the brain by helping your body create it in a more efficient manner.
how to treat anxiety with these foods

In a study, 20 mg/kg of curcumin generated significant anti-anxiety effects in stressed mice when compared to those who were given a lower dose. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of Curcumin prevent damage in the brain cells.

These effects are partly because of curcumin’s ability to lessen inflammatory markers like cytokines, which are generally associated with anxiety development. In addition, consumption of curcumin increases the levels of blood antioxidants, which incline to be less in people suffering from anxiety. More research is required to confirm these effects, but people suffering from anxiety can get benefits by incorporating turmeric in their diet.

  • Yogurt– If you suffer from anxiety, include yogurt in your diet. The healthy bacteria or probiotics, found in certain types of yogurt can enhance various aspects of your well-being, including your mental health. Several studies have proved that probiotic food like curd is best for promoting mental health and functioning of the brain by inhibiting free neurotoxins and radicals, which can damage the nerve tissues present in the brain and ultimately leads to anxiety.
  • Brazil nuts- It is one of the popular foods for treating anxiety. These nuts are high in selenium. Selenium may enhance mood by lessening inflammation, which is most often at high levels when someone suffers from a mood disorder, like anxiety. Selenium is also a significant oxidant, which helps avoid cell damage. It is also anti-carcinogenic, which helps in preventing cancer. Other nuts, vegetables like soybeans and mushrooms are a great source of selenium. Make sure you do not consume too much selenium as it can cause serious side effects. Along with Brazil nuts, there are many other nuts that are a great source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is an essential antioxidant. Several studies have proved that antioxidants are beneficial for treating anxiety, whereas some studies have shown that low levels of Vitamin E may cause depression.
  • Dark chocolate- Including some dark chocolate into your diet may be helpful for treating anxiety. Dark chocolate consists of flavonols, which are essential antioxidants for improved brain functioning. they work by improving the flow of blood to the brain and by promoting its capability to adapt to serious situations. These effects may permit you to adjust better to stressful situations that can cause anxiety and other disorders related to mood. Some researchers also suggest that dark chocolate’s role in the brain’s condition maybe because of its taste, which can be comforting for those who suffer mood disorders.
popular foods for treating anxiety

Eating chocolate can increase the level of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which may reduce the stress that ultimately leads to anxiety. For instance, in a study among stressed people, participants reported low levels of stress after consuming 40 grams of dark chocolate every day for two weeks. However, dark chocolate must be consumed in moderate quantity, because it is high in calories.

  • Avocado- Vitamin B6 assists the body makes different neurotransmitters, including serotonin, which plays a vital role in influencing one’s mood. Vitamin B, including niacin, riboflavin, and thiamine, have positive effects on one’s nervous system. Avocados are great stress relievers and the fat in them is great for lessening anxiety. Vitamin E is an essential nutrient that is required for vision, reproduction, and for maintaining healthy skin. It is also been connected with cognition, helps in widening blood vessels, and is required for red blood cell formation. As Vitamin E is fat-soluble, it is found in foods like Avocados and nuts that have a high-fat content. You must have heard about Avocado ice cream. Right? Next time, you can make your own avocado treat. Just mix avocado with vanilla extract, ripe banana, natural sweetener, and almond milk. Keep it inside the refrigerator for a few hours and then have a sip.
  • Turkey- Have you ever hard about tryptophan? It is the essential nutrient in Turkey that puts you to sleep after your dinner. There is much more than this. Tryptophan is an amino acid that the body needs to create the neurotransmitter serotonin, which assists in regulating both mood and sleep.

Avoid the temptation of buying fried chicken on your way back home by prepping your meals beforehand. This way you can enjoy the benefits of tryptophan in Turkey. Fried foods contain unhealthy fats and counter the good fat in the tryptophan in Turkey that may help you get rid of anxiety. Having a meal with diced turkey mixed with quinoa and brown rice and vegetables will offer a wide range of healthy nutrients and support good sleep.

  • Pumpkin Seeds- These are an excellent source of potassium, which regulates electrolyte balance and handle blood pressure. Eating potassium-rich foods like bananas or pumpkin seeds can reduce the symptoms of anxiety and stress. Pumpkin seeds are also a great source of zinc. Zinc is important for the development of the brain and nerves.
  • Green tea- Green tea consists of L-theanine, an amino acid that has positive effects on the brain’s health and reduces anxiety. Several studies have proved that those who drank Green tea that contained L-theanine had a low level of cortisol, a stress hormone that increases anxiety.

There are many beverages and foods for treating anxiety. They may lessen inflammation and improve the brain’s health condition too.

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