Fitness Food

Foods That are Good for Keeping your Kidney in Good Health

The kidneys are small organs in the lower abdomen that plays a very important role in the overall health of the body. Some foods may enhance the performance of the kidneys, whereas others may cause damage. Kidneys filter waste products from the blood and send them out of the body through urine. They also maintain a balance between electrolyte and fluid levels.

The kidneys perform these tasks without any external help. Various conditions, like high blood pressure and diabetes, may affect the functioning of the kidney.

Finally, damage to the kidneys can lead to chronic kidney disease. One of the most important risk factors for CKD related disability is diet. Making changes in diet plays a vital role in the treatment. Following a healthy diet will help the kidneys function in a proper way and at the same time avoid any kind of damage to these organs.  However, though some foods support a healthy kidney, all of them are not suitable for people who suffer from kidney illness.

Water– It is very important for the body. The cells make use of water to transport toxins in the bloodstream. The kidneys then utilize water to filter these poisons out and to create urine that takes them out from the body. An individual can support all body functions by drinking fluids whenever they feel thirsty.

Fatty fish– Tuna, salmon and other cold-water fatty fishes that have omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for your kidneys. You must include any of these fishes in your diet. The human body cannot produce omega-3 fatty acids, which means that your body must get it from your diet. Fatty fishes are a great source of healthy fats.  Studies have proved that Omega-3 fats may reduce the fat levels in the blood and also reduce the blood pressure. As high blood pressure is a risk factor for kidney disease, finding natural methods to lower it may help in protecting the kidneys.

Sweet potatoes– Sweet potatoes are just like white potatoes, but the excess fibre may cause them to break slowly resulting in bringing down the insulin levels. Sweet potatoes also consist of minerals and vitamins, like potassium, that may balance the sodium level in the body and lessen its effect on your kidneys. However, as sweet potato is a high-potassium food, anyone who is suffering from CKD or who is undergoing dialysis may want to limit the intake of this vegetable.

Green leafy vegetables – Green leafy vegetables like kale, chard, and spinach are the dietary staples that contain wide varieties of fibres, minerals, and vitamins. Many of them contain protective compounds like antioxidants too. However, green leafy vegetables are high in potassium, so it is not suitable for people who are on a restricted diet or who are on dialysis.  

Apples– An apple is a healthy snack that consists of an important fiber called pectin. It helps in reducing risk factors for kidney damage, like cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Apples are also a good snack to satisfy a sweet tooth.

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