Diet Fitness

4 Awesome Diet Plans for Weight Loss That Will Shock You

best diet for weight loss

Many of us have tried plenty of things to lose weight. Some of us have got positive results and some not. One of the best ways to lose weight is by making changes in your diet. Yet, the sheer number of available diet plans for weight loss may make it hard to get started, as you are not sure which one is most sustainable, suitable, and effective. Some diets focus on curbing appetite to lessen your food intake, whereas others suggest restricting your intake of calories and either fat or carbs. Several offer health benefits that go much beyond weight loss. Here are the top diet plans for weight loss.

Popular Diet Plans for Weight Loss

Intermittent Fasting- It is the most important one among various diet plans for weight loss. This is a dietary strategy that cycles between periods of eating and fasting. Different forms exist, including the 16/8 method, which includes limiting your intake of calories to 8 hours every day, and the 5:2 method, which limits your daily intake of calories to 500 to 600 calories twice a week. 

Intermittent fasting restricts the time you are permitted to eat, which is an easy way to lessen your calorie intake. This can lead to weight reduction- unless you compensate by eating too much food during permitted eating periods.

In a review of studies, intermittent fasting showed to cause 3 to 8% over 3 to 24 weeks, which is a substantially greater percentage than other methods. The same review showed that this process of eating may lessen waist circumference by about 4 to 7%, which is a sign of harmful belly fat. Other studies found that intermittent fasting can increase fat burning while preserving muscle mass, which can enhance metabolism.

Intermittent fasting has been associated with anti-aging effects, enhanced inulin sensitivity, reduced inflammation, improved brain health, and several other benefits. In general, intermittent fasting is safe for most people. 

People who are sensitive to drops in their blood sugar level, like some with diabetes, eating disorders, low weight, and breastfeeding or pregnant women, should discuss with a health professional before starting intermittent fasting. 

Plant-based diets- This is one of the common diet plans for weight loss. Plant-based diets may help you to reduce weight within a short span. Veganism and vegetarianism are the most popular versions, which limit animal products for ethical, health, and environmental reasons.

However, more flexible plant-based diet plans for weight loss are also present, like the flexitarian diet, which is a plant-based diet that lets eating animal products in control. 

There are different types of vegetarianism, but most involve eliminating all poultry, meat, and fish. Some vegetarians may similarly avoid dairy products and eggs. 

The vegetarian diet moves it a step further by restricting all animal products and animal-derived items like gelatin, dairy, casein, whey, and honey. 

There are no clear rules for following the flexitarian diet, as it is a lifestyle change instead of a diet.  It supports eating mostly vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes but allows for animal and protein products in moderation, making it a popular choice. 

Most of the restricted food groups are high in calories, so restricting them may help in weight loss.

Research shows that plant-based diet plans for weight loss are quite effective for weight loss. 

A review of 12 studies including 1,151 participants found that people on a plant-based diet lose an average of 4.4pounds more than those who included animal products. Also, those who are following a vegan diet lost an average of 5.5 pounds more than those who are not following a plant-based diet. 

Plant-based diet plans for weight loss likely helps in weight loss because they are rich in fiber, which can help you stay full for longer, and less in high-calorie fat.

important diet plans for weight loss

Benefits- Plant-based diet plans for weight loss have been associated with several other benefits, like reduced risk of chronic conditions like cancers, diabetes, and heart disease. They can be more environmentally sustainable than meat-based diets. 

Drawbacks- Though plant-based diet plans for weight loss are quite healthy, they can constrain essential nutrients that are generally found in animal products like Vitamin B12, iron, Calcium, Vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acids, and zinc.

Low-carb diets- Low-carb diet plans for weight loss are one of the most popular diet plans for weight loss. Some of the examples include the Ketogenic diet, Atkins diet, high-fat diet, and low-carb diet. 

Some varieties lessen carbs more drastically compared to others. For example, very low-carb diets like the keto diet restrict the macronutrient to less than 10% of the total calories, when compared to 30% or less for other kinds. 

Low-carb diets restrict your intake of carbs in favor of fat and protein.

They are higher in protein compared to low-fat diets, which is significant, as protein can help reduce your appetite, improve your metabolism, and preserve muscle mass.

In low-carb diet plans for weight loss like keto, your body starts using fatty acids rather than carbs for energy by converting them to ketones. This process is known as ketosis.

Studies show that low-carb diet plans for weight loss and may be more effective than conventional low-fat diets. A low-carb diet appears to be quite effective at burning belly fat. Research proves that a low-carb diet may lessen risk factors for heart diseases, including blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. They may also enhance blood sugar and insulin levels among those who suffer from Type 2 diabetes. 

In few cases, a low-carb diet may raise LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Low-carb diets can be hard to follow and cause digestive problems in some.

In rare situations, following a low-carb diet may cause a condition known as ketoacidosis, a risky metabolic condition that can be dangerous if not treated.

Low-fat diets- Just like low-carb diet plans for weight loss, low-fat diets have been in use for decades. In general, a low-fat diet involves limiting your fat intake to 30% of your regular calories. Some ultra-low-fat diets focus on restricting fat consumption to less than 10% of calories. 

Low-fat diets restrict the intake of fat because fat offers about twice the number of calories per gram when compared with the other two macronutrients- mainly carbs and proteins. 

follow these diet plans for weight loss

Ultra-low-fat diets consist of fewer than 10% of calories from fat, with nearly 80% of calories coming from carbohydrates and 10% from protein. Ultra-low-fat diets are usually plat-based and restrict animal and meat products.

As low-fat diets restrict the intake of calories, they can help in weight loss. A study of 33 people, including more than 73,500 participants found that following a low-fat diet led to a small yet relevant change in weight circumference.

However, while low-fat diets appear to be as effective as low-carb diets for weight loss in controlled situations, low-carb diets seem to be effective. Ultra-low-fat diets are successful, mainly among people suffering from obesity. For instance, an 8-week study among 56 participants found that eating a diet consisting of 7 to 14% fat led to an average weight loss of about 14.8 pounds.

Low-fat diets have been associated with a reduced risk of stroke and heart disease. They may also lessen inflammation and enhance markers of diabetes. 

Restricting too much fat can lead to severe health issues in the future, as it plays an important role in the production of the hormone, nutrient absorption, and cell health. Also, low-fat diets have been associated with a higher risk of metabolic syndrome. 

Try any of these diet plans for weight loss and we bet, you will be surprised by the results. 

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