Author : Admin


What is Depression & Its Symptoms

Most of us have felt sad or depressed at times. This is considered a normal reaction to a loss or struggles of life. But when strong sadness, including hopeless, worthless and helpless lasts for several days to weeks and does not let you live your life to the fullest then,......

What are the Natural Ways to Get Rid of Knee Pain?

Mild to moderate knee pain can be easily treated at home. No matter whether the knee pain is caused due to arthritis or a sprain, there are various ways to fight this pain. Before you start the treatment at home, you should be careful. Seek medical advice for moderate to......
Fitness Yoga

What are the Benefits of Yoga for Athletes?

So, are you among those who believe that yoga and exercises are for those flabby and obese? Wrong! Physical exercises like yoga are performed to remain fit, not just to simply lose weight. A thin person needs to do exercise as much as an obese person. Yoga is not simply......
Fitness Food

How to Improve Blood Circulation

Do your fingers or hands become blue or are they always cold? Does your body feel numb suddenly or tingle once you stand or sit for a long period? This is what happens when your blood circulation is disturbed.  Generally, after some movement, the blood flow becomes normal. It might......

How Meditation Can Make You Beautiful

Meditation defines a wide range of techniques and practices which are used to focus the mind and create a relaxation state. Some of the common meditation methods include focusing on breathing practices, chanting mantras, reciting positive affirmations, and body scans. What these meditation techniques have in common is that all......

Want to Quit Smoking? How To Do That?

Generally, it takes nearly five to ten attempts to quit smoking. However, with good perseverance and strategies, giving up smoking is an achievable target for all. All of us are aware of the dangerous effect of smoking. But despite all these warnings, advice from family and friends, people continue to......
Health Benefits Herbs

Turmeric- A Spice with Full of Benefits

Every Indian household has one common spice, i.e. Turmeric. This yellow-colored spice is not just used for adding flavor to the dishes but is used as a medicinal herb too for ages. Turmeric is derived from the root of Curcuma Longa, a plant that belongs to the ginger family and......
Fitness Food

Treat Your Cold with These Simple Home Remedies

It is quite predictable to suffer from cough and cold during the winters. People having low immunity power are mostly the ones who fall ill during this time of the year. They try various home remedies to treat cold. For most of us, the age-old remedy, i.e. ginger tea is......
Living well Men’s health

Summer Foods For Men to Keep Them Cool

From sunny days to idyllic beach getaways, summer is the right time to take things slow and enjoy the outdoors before the cold temperature comes in. Unfortunately, for many, summer is also the time when we eat a lot of unhealthy foods like sugary carnival treats, cocktails, deep-fried seafood- ultimately......