Children’s Health Living well

Benefits of Body Massage for your Kid’s Health

Children are the greatest blessings in this world. The arrival of a child brings changes in the life of every parent. Toddlers and infants need extra attention and care. In order to make your child strong and healthy, you must take care of the child. Massage is the best method to make your child strong and healthy. Some of the benefits of body massage for babies are:

Improves blood circulation: The right functioning of each organ mainly depends on blood circulation. If the blood circulation is proper then, baby’s every organ will work properly. To improve the functioning of the heart and to enhance blood circulation, you must massage your baby daily. This will make your baby strong and healthy by improving blood circulation. Proper blood circulation also enhances the lymph circulation in the body which is very much needed for a healthy baby.

Calming and soothing effect: Whenever your baby cries you pick your baby and start playing with him or her. Your pampering relaxes the baby. Body massage can play an important role in stimulating relaxation in your baby’s body and he/she will stop crying on small things. To calm your baby, it is very important to massage your baby properly. You can massage your baby by sitting on a comfortable massage chair. A good massage will prevent your baby from getting irritated and cranky.

Fortify immunity: Babies are sensitive as they do not have a well-developed immunity. To make your baby strong and healthy, you must strengthen your baby’s immunity. The strong immunity will protect your baby from harmful bacteria and viruses. You can make the immunity of your baby stronger by massaging your baby regularly.

Stress reliever: Babies do cry for various reasons. Most of the time they cry due to some discomfort or abdominal pain. To lessen stress and pain in the body, do oil massage daily. Massaging plays an important role in lessening pain and stress. Thus, you must give proper oil massage to your baby.

Better and improved sleep: If you want to make your baby happy then you must do everything which can calm and relax your baby. Oil massaging regularly not only improves their health but also gives them a relaxed sleep. Massage increases the serotonin level in the body which makes baby happy, active, and healthy.

Prevent Colic: If your baby is suffering from colic which does not allow him/her to sleep at night then give them a belly massage. Belly massage is very effective in curing colic. It also helps in treating constipation and any other kind of gastrointestinal issues.

Increases weight: Baby fat makes babies beautiful and cute. You must have noticed parents trying everything to make their baby gain weight so that they look cute. One of the important things that can increase a baby’s weight is baby massage. It also helps under-weight and premature babies gain weight.

Strong muscles and bones: The muscles and bones of the newborn babies are weak and becomes stronger with time. One thing that can make the bones and muscles of your baby healthy and strong is body massage.  

So, include massage in your baby’s daily care routine from today and you will not repent!

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