If you are looking for ways to lose weight or planning to start on your fitness goals, you may be thinking about trying a ketogenic diet. You must have heard this phrase before, it is a huge diet catchphrase- but are not sure what it means. What is a keto diet? In this article, we will discuss everything about a keto diet and foods to eat on a keto diet.
A ketogenic diet is an eating plan that drives your body into ketosis, a condition where the body utilizes fat as the main fuel source. Research shows that adopting this high-fat, low card diet can promote fat loss and even enhance some conditions like cognitive decline and type 2 diabetes. When you are eating the foods that get you there, your body enters a state of ketosis in 1 to 3 days. While following a keto diet, most of the calories you consume come from fat, with a few carbohydrates and protein. Ketosis also happens if you eat a low-calorie diet.
Benefits and Risks of a Keto Diet Plan
Before you start having keto diet foods, you must know the possible health benefits and risks associated with a ketogenic diet. There are three cases where there is enough research to back up a ketogenic diet, including to control Type 2 diabetes, as a part of the epilepsy treatment, or for losing weight. As far as diabetes is concerned, there is some research that shows the ketogenic diet may enhance glycemic control. It can also cause a reduction in A1C- a key analysis for diabetes that measures an individual’s average blood sugar control over 2 to 3 months- something that may help you to reduce the use of medicines.
However, for people suffering from diabetes, one of the biggest concerns is you consume a lot of fat while following a keto diet plan. That fat may be saturated, which is unhealthy when eaten in a large amount. Because individuals suffering from type 2 diabetes are at high risk for cardiovascular disease, there is a concern that the saturated fat in the diet may boost LDL or “bad” cholesterol and increase the chances of heart issues. If you suffer from Type 2 diabetes, consult with your doctor before following a keto diet menu. Your doctor may suggest a different weight-loss diet for you, like a diet with fewer calories, to handle diabetes. Those suffering from epilepsy must contact their doctor before following a ketogenic diet.

There are many who follow this diet as they have heard that this diet is best to lose weight. And yes, it is true. Researchers have found that a ketogenic diet can help you to lose weight within the first few weeks. First, your body will use all its glycogen stores. With the exhausting glycogen, your weight will start to drop. While it can be encouraging to see the number on the scale go down, do keep in mind that most of this is water loss only takes place in the initial stage. However, the keto diet can be effective with time. Several reviews suggested that the keto diet can stimulate fat loss in obese people when followed for a couple of weeks and continue until one year. A study found that one of the main reasons behind weight loss is likely that this diet suppresses hunger.
One of the major disadvantages of a ketogenic diet to lose weight is the difficulty in maintaining it. Studies show that weight loss results from following a low-carb diet for more than 12 months tend to be almost the same as following a healthy diet. While you may be consuming more satiating fats like regular butter, avocado, and peanut butter, you are also way more restricted in what to eat and keto foods to avoid, which can make everyday situations, like having dinner with family members or going out with friends, more difficult. Because people generally find it tough to sustain, it is simple to rely on it as a short-term diet instead of a long-term lifestyle.
Here is everything about keto diet for beginners including the foods to eat on a Keto diet.
Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan
Following a keto diet plan for beginners can be overwhelming, but it does not have to be difficult always. Your objective should be on lessening the carbs while boosting the protein and fat content of snacks and meals. To reach and then remain in the state of ketosis, carbs must be restricted. While some people might just attain ketosis simply by eating less than 20 grams of carbs every day, others may be successful with a higher intake of carb. Usually, the lower your intake of carbohydrates, the easier it is to reach your weight loss goal. Therefore, sticking to keto diet foods and avoiding foods that are rich in carbohydrates is one of the best ways to lose weight successfully. Here is the food list which you must follow when you are on a keto diet.
Foods to eat on a Keto diet
Meat- Unprocessed meats are low in carbohydrates and keto-friendly. Organic and grass-fed meat might be a healthier option. But, always keep in mind that a keto is a high-fat diet, does not contain much protein, so there is no need to eat a large amount of meat. Excessive protein can be easily converted to glucose, which could make it difficult for many to get into a keto diet, mainly while starting out and with high levels of insulin resistance.
Eggs- One of the popular foods to eat on a keto diet is eggs. You can eat them in any form, e.g. scrambled, omelets, fried in butter, or boiled. There are many keto egg recipes you will find online. Having pastured or organic eggs might be a healthy option, although there is not enough research that shows it is beneficial for your health.

Veggies that are grown above the ground- Fresh or frozen- does not matter. Choose vegetables that are grown above the ground, mainly green and leafy vegetables. Some of the popular vegetables include cabbage, zucchini, broccoli, avocado, and cauliflower. Vegetables are one of the tastiest ways to include good fat on keto. You can fry them in butter or cook them in olive oil and have it as a salad. Some even consider vegetables as a fat-delivery system. They are known for adding more variety, color, and flavor to your keto menu.
Seafood or fish- These are some of the vital foods to eat on a Keto diet. Seafood is good, mainly salmon fish. If you have issues about mercury or any other toxins, consider eating more and more small fishes like mackerel, herring, and sardines. If you can find wild-caught fishes, that is the best. Avoid breading, as it consists of carbs.
Nuts- You can have nuts in moderation, but be careful while having nuts as a snack, as mostly you will eat more than you need to feel full Also, be cautious that cashews are high in carb, so instead of cashew nuts, have pecan nuts or macadamia.
High-fat dairy products- A keto diet plan must not include milk. This is so because the sugar in milk increases the amount of sugar, but you can use it in a moderate amount in your coffee. The amount of milk and sugar depends on the total number of cups you consume every day.
Before you start following a keto diet, ask yourself what is realistic for you. Then you must take your doctor’s advice. You may also consult with a local registered dietitian to restrict prospective nutrient deficiencies and discuss vitamin and dietary supplements as you would not be eating dairy, fruits, or whole grains.