Fitness Food

Foods to Eat When You Feel Sick

Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine is thy food”. It is a fact that food can do much more than providing energy. And when you are sick, having the right food is very important than ever. There are certain foods that have powerful properties that can support your body while it is fighting any kind of illness. They may relieve some symptoms and even help you heal faster.

There are a few foods that you must eat when you feel sick.

  • Chicken soup: The Chicken soup has been recommended as a remedy for the common cold for several years, and for good reason. It is an easy-to-eat source of minerals, vitamins, protein, and calories, which are essential nutrients that your body requires in large quantities when you are sick. Chicken soup is regarded as an excellent source of electrolytes and fluids, both of which are important for hydration if you are going to the bathroom several times a day. Your body will also require even more fluids when you suffer from fever. Studies revealed that chicken soup is very effective in clearing nasal mucus than any other liquid. It is a natural decongestant. Another reason for this effect is that chicken consists of amino acid cysteine.
  • Broths: Just like chicken soup, broths are one of the best sources of hydration when you are sick. They have a good flavour and contains vitamins, minerals, and calories like calcium, phosphorous, folate, and magnesium. If you have them while it’s hot, broths also have the wonderful advantage of acting as a natural decongestant because due to the hot steam. Drinking broth is considered as a good method to remain hydrated, and the rich flavour will keep you full and satisfied. This works great if your stomach is unsettled and you are not able to cut down on solid foods. If you are sensitive to salt and purchase broth from the store, be sure to purchase a low-sodium variety as most of the broths have too much salt. You can enjoy more benefits from broth if you prepare it at home. Include a higher protein, nutrient, and calorie content.
  • Hot tea: Tea is a favourite remedy for several symptoms associated with flu and colds. Similarly, like chicken soup, hot tea is a natural decongestant. It is good to clear the sinuses of mucus. Make sure you don’t drink it too hot as it can cause irritation in the throat. There is nothing to worry about the tea being dehydrating. Though some teas have caffeine, the amounts are very less to cause any water loss.   
  • Garlic: It can provide all kinds of health benefits. Garlic has been utilized as a medicinal herb for centuries and has demonstrated antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effects. It is also good for stimulating the immune system. One study revealed that people who eat garlic fall sick less often. You can add garlic to broth or chicken soup. It will enhance the flavour and at the same time make it more effective.

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