All of us would have heard the century adage that says breakfast is the most significant meal of the day. But how many of us follow this? To reduce the intake of net calories and fulfilling our dream goal of being slim, most of us skip our breakfast. There is no doubt that it will yield results, but only temporary results.
So, why is it bad? What are the side effects of skipping breakfast?
Effects of skipping breakfast
Here, we have discussed the dangerous effects of skipping your breakfast.

- Bad for your heart- As per the study published in JAMA, males who skip breakfast have nearly 27% more chances of getting a heart attack when compared to those people who eat breakfast. Several types of research done by doctors have proved that the rate of risk is not so problematic. But it is also proved that indulging in a healthy breakfast could restrict the risk of heart attacks. People who avoid breakfast are also known to have an increased vulnerability to hypertension in turn, which leads to the blocking of arteries. On the other hand, it puts them at an increased risk of developing severe cardiovascular health problems, including a heart attack.
- Higher risk of type-2 diabetes- A study was conducted by Harvard University School of Public Health that focus to find a correlation between eating habits and health conditions. Around 46,289 women participated in the research conducted for nearly six years. The results were great. As per the outcome, females who had the habit of avoiding breakfast were at a high risk of suffering from Type-2 diabetes, compared to women who had their breakfast regularly. Even worse, working women who skipped their breakfast had 54% more chances of suffering from Type-2 diabetes.

- Skipping breakfast might cause weight gain- If you are following a regime for weight loss and have the habit of skipping breakfast, think again. As per the studies conducted on the negative impacts of not eating breakfast, people who skip the morning meal had higher chances of gaining extra weight, quite contrary to your slimming objective. Are you confused? Keep reading. Skipping breakfast peps up craving for fatty and sugary foods. Plus, since your hunger pangs will be intense, you end up gorging down whatever you come across during the entire day. The higher your hunger levels will be, the more will be your intake of food. And, sometimes this exceeds your calorie count. Skipping breakfast every day will ultimately lead to weight gain, and not weight loss.

- Risk of cancer- Skipping breakfast can make you overeat, mainly during the daytime. This, in turn, paves the way for obesity. Various studies have proved that an obese person has a high risk of developing cancer.
- The negative effect on your mood- Avoiding breakfast can impact one’s mood and energy level too. Once the British Research team did a study on 144 healthy individuals who underwent overnight fasting. They divided the group into three. The first group was provided with a healthy and moderate breakfast. The second group was only offered coffee, and the third did not have any breakfast. The groups were then monitored for a few hours. According to the result, the group who did not have breakfast showed poor memory skills and high fatigue levels. There was not much difference between the other 2 groups.