When you suffer from arthritis, you must keep inflammation at a minimum. Find out what food you need to avoid so that you feel at your best.
Alcohol: People suffering from arthritis must reduce the intake of alcohol as it can aggravate any kind of inflammation taking place in the body. The issue becomes serious when you drink more than 1 to 2 drinks in a sitting. Instead, try non-alcoholic party drinks. There are many other ways to fight inflammation. What are they? Have a look.

Ice cream: Sugar is one of the main inflammatory agents in our diet, just like saturated fat- both of which can worsen the arthritis symptoms. Ice creams have a high level of both saturated sugar and fat, making it something to enjoy every time. The diary in ice cream is the thing that worsens inflammation- and so do these foods that make inflammation more serious.
White Bread: Refined carbohydrates like white bread not only provides your body with minimum nutrition but may also fuel the production of something known as Advanced Glycation End (AGE) products. These compounds are known for increasing inflammation, a danger sign for those suffering from arthritis. Swap white bread with a whole grain bread, which is also a great option in terms of vitamins, minerals, and fibre.
Cookies, sweets, and cakes: Given that both saturated fats and sugar are inflammatory foods, traditional treats are something that people suffering from arthritis should keep away from themselves. Luckily, there are several ways to satisfy your sweet tooth, whether that be swapping sugar for a natural alternative or swapping out cream and butter for low-fat yoghurt or Avocado. Arthritis patients can opt for low-sugar desserts.

French Fries: Traditional French fries are aggravating for people suffering from arthritis. Refined carbohydrates and fried foods fuel production of Advanced Glycation End. Also, French fries are fried in vegetable oils that contain pro-inflammatory Omega-6 fatty acids. Ultimately, they are typically loaded with sodium, which in turn can enhance inflammation. All these three factors make French fries a bad choice for those suffering from arthritis. As an alternative, one can try sweet potato fries.
Chinese Food: Take-out Chinese food is high in sodium, making it high inflammatory. These foods are a major concern as often it consists of monosodium glutamate (MSG), which can trigger two different inflammatory pathways making it a huge stressor for the arthritis symptoms. If you are craving for some Chinese takeout, try the ones that are MSG-free.