There is no shortcut to reducing weight quickly. Having the proper diet and following an intense workout session is the only method to lose weight in an efficient manner. But all of you might agree that there is nothing harm in trying things that can fasten your weight loss procedure. If you are on a journey for weight loss, chances are that you might be looking for some easy hack. If so, then try garlic.
Garlic is one of the common ingredients used in almost all dishes. It produces a distinct flavour to the dishes and is popular for its unique medical properties. This excellent herb helps in improving immunity, relaxes blood vessels, and lessens the chances of heart disease. It is loaded with Vitamin B6, C, fibre, magnesium, and calcium.
How garlic helps in reducing weight
It is a fact that garlic has numerous health benefits, but different studies suggest that garlic can be used by those who want to lose weight. It depends on the way how one consumes it. The way garlic is cooked and processed can bring changes in its benefits.

Garlic enhances the energy level. It helps in burning huge amounts of calories and maintains the right weight. This herb is an appetite suppressant. It makes you feel fuller for a long span of time and at the same time helps you to avoid overeating. Garlic is good for stimulating the fat-burning procedure. This herb is regarded as an outstanding detoxifying agent, which will keep your digestive system in check.
How to use garlic for enjoying maximum benefits
Garlic consists of an enzyme called alliinase, which can change alliin to allicin. The special feature of allicin works under few conditions and can be deactivated if it is exposed to too much heat.
As per various studies, if we put garlic inside an oven for 45 minutes, it will deactivate the alliinase and would lessen its health benefits. Other studies found that crushing and allowing it to remain for 10 minutes before adding it to any food can retain medicinal properties.
Eating garlic in the morning
For enjoying maximum benefits, it is suggested to have raw garlic with water in an empty stomach after getting up. Crush two to three garlic cloves and have it with water.

Consume garlic with lemon juice
You can have garlic with lemon juice. For this, you need to add lemon juice and 1 crushed garlic clove in warm water. Stir it well and drink. The combination of raw garlic and lime juice helps in stimulating weight reduction.
Raw garlic and honey
The mix of raw garlic and honey is also beneficial for weight loss. For preparing this, what you need to do is peel and crush 2 to 3 cloves of garlic, mix with raw honey. Keep aside for a while and then drink on an empty stomach.
However, before trying any of these above-mentioned remedies, consult a nutritionist or dietitian. Keep in mind, excessive use of garlic is not good for your health.