An unhealthy lifestyle will increase your blood pressure with time. Higher your blood pressure will be, higher will be your chances of having a heart attack or stroke in the future.
However, the good news is that if you have high blood pressure, bringing healthy changes in your lifestyle will help you to lower it. It does not mean that you must wait to let your blood pressure become high to make healthy changes in your lifestyle. The more you will be able to reduce your blood pressure, the lower will be your risk of stroke or heart attack.
Why hypertension matters?
If you are in the range of 130/180, lessening blood pressure can help in protecting you from a heart attack, eye disease, kidney disorder, stroke, cognitive decline, etc. Making some lifestyle changes can be a bit difficult task. More than one female has woken up during the morning committed to healthy eating just to be derailed by a plate of cookies on the table in office or dinner with the friends.
Ways to control blood pressure
- Too much of salt increases blood pressure, so one of the most important things that one must do to control his or her blood pressure is to reduce the amount of salt intake. In fact, some blood pressure patients can avoid medicines if they cut down their salt intake. Most of the salt you eat is not the one which is added in your food but is present in prepared foods like breakfast cereals, ready meals, and bread. Never add salt to food when cooking. While buying food, make sure you check the labels and if possible, always choose the low-salt option.

- Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet. Eating more vegetables and fruits helps in lowering blood pressure. Adults must eat about five portions of vegetables and fruits daily.
The measurement is 80 grams or just as the size of your fist. Try to eat varieties of vegetables and fruits. Frozen, tinned, and dried are fine, but keep in mind the quantity of added sugar, fats or salt in it.
- Maintain a healthy weight. In order to lower your blood pressure, you may have to reduce your weight. One of the best ways to reduce weight is to select more low-calorie or low-fat foods and at the same time increase the physical workout. Set realistic goals. Make some changes in your hearing habits that you can maintain throughout your life.
- Have less alcohol. If you drink too much alcohol, then it will raise the blood pressure with time. Doctors recommend 14 units of alcohol for men and women in a week. A unit means roughly half a pint of cider or beer, a single pub measure of the spirits, and a small glass of wine. If you consume alcohol in limited quantity, your blood pressure will be maintained easily.

- Get more active by doing physical exercises. Exercising for nearly 30 minutes five times in a week can lessen your blood pressure. If you cannot manage 30 minutes in your daily schedule, increasing your activities by a small amount can prove helpful. Think about the activities that can keep you active. Any activity that makes you feel warm and out of breath is perfect.
Keep in mind that medicine is important if the doctor has prescribed it for you, but it does not mean that you cannot take useful, drug-free steps that can lower blood pressure and improve your overall health.