Do your fingers or hands become blue or are they always cold? Does your body feel numb suddenly or tingle once you stand or sit for a long period? This is what happens when your blood circulation is disturbed. Generally, after some movement, the blood flow becomes normal. It might cause severe complications and health problems in some people. Therefore, it is significant to address this issue. Here, we have discussed the causes and natural ways to improve blood circulation in the body.
It is hard to believe, but our body holds nearly 60,000 miles of blood vessels. Along with your heart and other muscles, they make up your circulatory system. These nerves carry blood to every corner of our body. But, when you have poor blood circulation, it blocks or slows down the blood flow. That means the cells in your body cannot get all the required nutrients and oxygen.
Signs of Poor Blood Circulation
When your limbs cannot get enough blood, your feet or hands may feel numb or cold. If you are light-skinned, you may find a blue tinge in your legs. Poor blood circulation can also make your skin dry, turn your nails brittle, and increase hair fall. Some men may even have problems getting an erection. And if you are diabetic, then your wounds and sores will take time to heal.
Causes behind poor blood circulation
Peripheral Artery Disease- Peripheral Artery disease is a circulatory condition that makes the blood vessels and arteries narrow. It can ultimately lead to poor circulation of blood in the legs.
Blood clots- Blood clotting can block the blood flow to various body parts entirely or partially. Though blood clots can develop in any part of the body, the clots that are formed in the legs and arms can result in poor blood circulation problems.

Varicose veins- When your veins become large due to valve failure, it causes varicose veins. It is difficult for damaged veins to transport blood as efficiently as the normal veins, therefore resulting in poor blood circulation.
Diabetes- Diabetes can also affect blood circulation in certain areas of the body. This happens due to diabetic neuropathy.
Obesity- Those who are suffering from obesity may experience poor blood circulation when they stand or sit for a long time.
Best Foods that Improve Blood Circulation in the Body
Blackberries- Consume a small cup of blackberries regularly. Eating blackberries daily is one of the best methods to improve blood circulation in the body. These berries are a rich source of essential nutrients that helps in forming new blood cells and at the same time purify the blood.
Garlic- To improve blood circulation, add raw minced garlic to your meals, and consume regularly. Or else chew few garlic cloves as it is regularly. Garlic consists of allicin, which has strong antioxidant properties that purify the blood and at the same time also enhance blood supply. The anti-inflammatory properties in garlic can reduce inflammation in the body.
Watermelon– Having a bowl of watermelon daily can improve blood circulation in the body. The lycopene in watermelon improves blood circulation because of its antioxidant properties.
Citrus Fruits- Include citrus fruits like grapefruits, limes, and oranges in your diet. These fruits are rich in Vitamin C, an antioxidant. They have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation within the body. This combination improves the blood supply and circulation too.
Oats- Have one bowl of cooked oats daily. Oats are a good source for improving blood circulation in the body. They have both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which help in improving blood circulation.
Ways to Improve Blood Circulation in the Body
Avoid drinking- One of the significant ways to improve blood circulation in the body is to avoid drinking. Though it is okay to drink occasionally, overconsumption of alcohol can lead to a host of health issues that include heart problems. If you are consuming alcohol daily, it is time to reduce the number of times you drink in a month. Instead, choose healthier options like red wine that consists of antioxidants and is known to improve your blood flow and cholesterol when consumed in small amounts.
Go for a massage- Are you looking for a reason to get a message? You will be surprised to know this reason. A good massage helps in improving the blood flow and at the same time controls blood pressure too. A massage can bring you great relaxation and relief from the stresses of your life, but it can also stimulate your body’s flow of blood.
Massages can speed up your blood circulation process. The pressure applied by massage has the power to move blood through the areas that are clogged. Moreover, once the pressure applied during your massage is released, new blood can flow in where it may not have been able to. The motions of a massage help in flushing lactic acid from your muscles and provide improved circulation of the lymph fluid of your body.
What role does lymph fluid have?
It carries metabolic waste away from internal organs and muscles, which results in lowering blood pressure and improves body functioning.
Work by standing at your desk- Sitting for long hours at a time is neither great for your back nor for blood circulation. It weakens the leg muscles and slows the blood flow in your legs, which could result in a clot. If you are a desk jockey at work, consider a standing desk instead. It may take some time for you to get used to it but getting on your feet is good for the valves in your leg veins, sending blood to your heart.

Hit the wall in a better way- Not a fan of yoga? When your feet or ankles swell, try the legs-up-the-wall yoga pose. Also known as “Viparita Karani”, it is a simple way to send your blood in another direction. For this, what you need to do is take a yoga mat, lie on it, with your left or right shoulder near to the wall. Turn your body so that you can put your feet up and scooch your bottom against the wall. Stretch your arms on the floor with your palms down for a proper balance.
Practice squat- This form of strength training not just improves blood pumping; it also helps in lowering your blood sugar and helps reduce back pain. Begin with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at the sides. Now, slowly bend at your knees and hips, but make sure you keep your back straight, just like when you sit on a chair. As you come back to the initial position, bend your arms for proper balance.
Include more plants in your diet rather than meat- There is no drawback to a balanced diet. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits. As far as possible, stay away from saturated fats that are found in chicken, cheese, red meat, or any other animal sources. Stay away from too much salt. This will keep your weight under control and is also good for blood pressure and cholesterol.
Reduce the intake of salt- Intake of excess salt can lead to increased blood pressure and cause bloating, which in turn affects the blood flow. Therefore, if not normal food, you must lessen the intake of processed food consumption like ketchup sauce, frozen foods, canned foods that usually contain a high amount of sodium.