
What are the Natural Ways to Get Rid of Knee Pain?

Mild to moderate knee pain can be easily treated at home. No matter whether the knee pain is caused due to arthritis or a sprain, there are various ways to fight this pain.

Before you start the treatment at home, you should be careful. Seek medical advice for moderate to severe pain caused by an injury. There is some knee pain that can be resolved with the help of a surgery.  Doctors recommend surgery in extreme cases of arthritis. If the pain persists even after the surgery, it is better to consult a doctor.

However, if the pain is caused due to inflammation, minor injury or arthritis, there are various options that you can try at your home that have been proven to be effective since ages.  Read on to know more about the alternative supplements and therapies that may help you to get rid of your knee pain.

  • Try RICE for sprains and strains- If you fell or have twisted your leg or if you have a knee strain then, first aid at home can prove to be helpful. You must remember the acronym, “RICE” for treating sprains and strains. RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. You should get off your feet and apply a cold compress or a bag full of ice on the knee. Frozen veggies, like peas, will also do wonders if you don’t have ice with you. Cover your knee with a compression bandage to avoid swelling, but make sure it is not too much tight or else it may affect your blood circulation. When you are resting, keep your foot in an elevated position.
  • Tai Chi- It is an ancient Chinese form of mind-body workout that improves flexibility and balance. Researchers have found that practising Tai Chi is mainly beneficial for those suffering from osteoarthritis. It lessens pain and increases the range of motion. The mental discipline it teaches could also help in treating chronic pain.
  • Workout and weight management- Regular exercise to keep the joint moving lessens knee pain in some people. For people suffering from arthritis, keeping the leg without any movement for a long time can stiffen the joint and may worsen the condition. Being overweight can increase pain, so weight management is required.  
  • Ginger extract- Ginger is available in different forms. It is available in pre-packaged supplement form at vitamin or health food stores. Ginger tea or root can be found at the grocery store. This spice is used in several cuisines. Few health benefits include relief from nausea, stomach upset, and pain relief from any health conditions. A group of people with arthritis found that ginger helped in reducing pain when they used it with a prescription treatment for arthritis.
  • Be careful- Before you start any home remedy, whether a dietary supplement or any other alternative therapy, at first, you must take suggestions from your doctor. Some supplements can interact with other medicines and may cause severe side effects. Before treating, it is always better to find the reason that caused pain. The sooner you come to know the root cause of the problem, the sooner you will be able to recover.

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