Living well Sleep

What is the Right Way to Sleep for Good Health?

Have you ever thought why your brain feels vague and your body feels tired after days hard work? Well, the only reason is inadequate sleep.

A good night’s sleep is very important just like healthy eating and regular exercise if you want to live a healthy and productive life.

Why sleep is so vital?

There are many health benefits that you can get from a good night’s sleep. Your body does not sleep when you sleep. Instead, it utilizes this time period to carry out some serious housecleaning procedure that helps the body and mind to function at maximum efficiency. Here are some benefits of having a comfortable sleep at night:

  1. Improves the immune system
  2. Keep away stress
  3. Helps in managing the appetite
  4. Reduces the risk of certain cancers like breast and colon cancer
  5. Enhances focus, memory, and right brain functioning
  6. Maintain a healthy heart by controlling blood pressure and cholesterol

How to get the best sleep every night

Here are a few simple yet powerful ways to help you sleep in the most comfortable manner:

  • Stay away from blue lights during sleep

Exposure to bright lights during the daytime is a good thing, but not at night. Research has proved that excessive exposure to light before bedtime can disturb your sleeping patterns and affect the quality of your sleep.

There are mainly two mechanisms behind this. First, there is something known as the circadian rhythm. It is the biological clock of our body that controls sleeping and waking up. However, when you are exposed to blue lights from your laptop or smartphones, the brain gets confused whether it is still day, thus it lessens the production of sleep hormones.

This takes us to our next point- melatonin. Commonly known as the sleep hormone, it assists our body to relax and fall asleep. And as discussed earlier, the production of this hormone is reduced when exposed to blue light. So, if you answer phone calls, play video games or tweet late night, you must stop doing so. If possible, put all your gadgets to sleep at least two hours before you go to bed.

  • Stop drinking alcohol

If you want to enjoy a refreshing sleep, then you must stop alcohol, especially during the night. A study found disruption in sleeping pattern among those who took alcohol before sleep. Consumption of night at night affects the production of melatonin, which affects the circadian rhythm of the body. No matter whichever way you drink it, alcohol is not good for health.

  • b)  Try sleeping and waking up daily at the same time

If you want to get the best sleep, then you must be consistent. This means going to bed every day at the same time and waking up at the same time every morning. Research has proved that consistency with sleeping and waking up improves the quality of sleep. Maintaining consistency in your sleep will help your body to release necessary hormones at the right time.

Follow these remedies for a few days and you will notice a huge difference in your sleep pattern.

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