Living well Sleep

Why Deep Sleep Is Important for your Mind & Body

Do you want to know the secret behind good health and wellness?

You do, everyone does. Everyone is in search of a miracle supplement, tip or workout that can change their lives overnight. Well really such a thing exists, anytime it is available, and the best part is it does not cost you anything.

It is sleep- to be specific, its deep sleep.

The Prevalent of Chronic Sleep Deprivation

If you are like most of the population, you are possibly depriving yourself of it on a nightly basis. Sleep is known as the “force multiplier.” Proper sleep can improve, worsen, no matter whatever condition you are in.  

If you are eating well, controlling stress, and doing workout often, then getting good sleep will help in improving the benefits of all those healthy things that you keep on doing.

On the contrary, if you are eating poorly, not doing any exercise, are stressed, and overdoing it with medicines and other substances, a lack of sleep is going to increase everything.

It will feel like being kicked while you are low.

When you are chronically sleep-deprived, it really affects your health. A lack of sleep can keep your body in a constant state of stress and with time it can get ugly. Raised level of stress hormones can result in many nasty conditions like:

  • Dizziness and headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Weight gain
  • Digestive disorders
  • Stroke
  • Hypertension
  • Irritability
  • Immune system dysfunction

How can you get a deep sleep?

Deep sleep is important for not only your body but the mind too. Here are a few ways to get deep sleep:

  • Go to bed earlier

One of the reasons why you are not getting a night of deep sleep is your habit of going to bed late. There are many distractions that you keep you awake till late. First is entertainment. The amount of programming via cable and streaming services could drown a battleship. It’s like there are not enough hours in the day to consume everything. There is not. When you mix this with the distraction of social media, you will find yourself still scrolling at midnight. You would be doing yourself a favour by putting off all the shows for another time and going to bed earlier. Those shows will not go anywhere, but yes, your health will be affected. These are meant for your entertainment, so you must enjoy them on your own terms and don’t allow your health to suffer.

  • Make a wind-down routine

This plays a vital role in getting deep sleep. Your body craves for routine and responds accordingly. You want to develop a wind-down routine that you must start at the same time every night and follow the order. A wind-down routine will help your body understand that the sleep is coming. This will allow you to sleep faster and that your valuable deep sleep. It does not matter what kind of routine it is, but you need to find out which works the best for you and follow it. It may be reading a shower and then reading your favourite book or it may be some yoga or listening to some of your favourite music. The important thing is to create some structure for your body to relax that will ultimately get you deep sleep.

  • Turn off the light

Remember all that entertainment around you? It may be seriously humiliating your ability to get deep sleep. We live in an artificially lit world. As the sun sets, just the opposite thing happens, and your house comes into action.  Lights are blaring, televisions are on, screens are being fully utilized. All this artificial light disrupts sleep. Blue lights emitted from electronics prevents the release of melatonin from the brain which is vital for your sleep cycles.  So, for deep sleep, turn off the electronics at least 1 to 2 hours before you go to bed.

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