
Few Natural Ways to Relieve Stress Easily

All of us deal with it, ye we know how much better off we would be, both mentally and physically- if we can get it under control and find stress relievers that work. While stress can be a motivating factor at certain times, research proves that chronic stress impacts the body in the same way poor diet, less sleep, and sedentary lifestyle does.

Around 75 per cent to 90 per cent of the people who visit doctors suffers from stress. Have you ever thought about how stress affects our health negatively?  It typically boils down to changes in our hormones, which then leads to an increase in inflammation and other health issues.

Uncontrolled stress experienced over a long span of time can be “chronic”. If stress is not controlled at the right time, it can result in heart disease, obesity or weight gain, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, mental disorders, digestive problems, and cancer too.

Let’s face it. The stress we face in today’s busy life is going to increase, which is exactly why it is more significant than ever to find natural methods to deal with stress. One must manage some time from their busy schedules and try exercise, meditation, spend time outdoors and indulge in some fun hobbies. We cannot always control the sources of stress in our lives, but we can change the way we react to them. The good news is: The human body can handle stress, which is exactly why human bodies react to it in a strong manner. So, let us what are the natural stress relievers that can help us keep stress at bay.

  • Yoga and exercise- One of the best and simplest stress relievers available to us is exercise. It is a natural remedy for treating anxiety. Regular exercise helps in releasing powerful endorphin chemicals in the brain, which acts like mood-lifters and painkillers. Research suggests that negative effects of stress on the body seem to get exaggerated in those who are inactive. This phenomenon is known as “stress-induced” or “exercise deficient” phenotype.Regular exercise regulates different psychological and metabolic processes in our body, including reinforcing our natural sleeping and waking cycle, blood sugar level and moods. Workout improves insulin sensitivity, which can help someone become more cautious about their hunger levels, improves self-esteem or confidence, and leads to improved mental processing and a low risk of depression. You don’t get enough sleep? Well, exercise can help with that too.
  • Devotional/ Meditation prayer- Meditation and healing prayer are proven stress relievers. This helps people deal with anxiety, worry and helps in finding peace of mind. The best thing about devotional or meditation prayer is they are easy to practice at any time of the day, irrespective of the place. Also, you do not need a practitioner or therapist for this. You can practice this of your own. Meditation prayer has been followed since ages, but today they are backed by science too.
  • Spending quality time with loved ones and nature- Managing some time for connecting with the loved ones around you, spending some leisure time outside in nature and doing things you love with your friends and family can help you in getting rid of stress.  Social connection is associated with longevity, as it helps people feel they are an important part of something larger than themselves. Being outdoors reminds them they are a part of this big universe, easing their moods and making it easier for them to get a comfortable sleep.

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