Children’s Health Living well

Boost your Kid’s Immunity with These Foods

Cold and flu are a regular part of a kid’s life, but there are a few steps following which you can reduce the frequency of sickness among kids. Have you ever thought about what can be done to protect your kid from viruses and germs he or she exposed to every day? Unfortunately, all of us come in this world with an inexperienced immune system. Slowly, our body starts building up immunity power to fight various diseases. The immunity power in children is developed slowly. This is the reason why most of the pediatricians consider 6 to 8 cold, ear infections, bouts of flu every year. However, there are many healthy habits that you can adopt to boost your kid’s immune system.

You can improve your kid’s immune system by providing them nutrient-dense foods. Some foods have the exact nutrients that can help your child’s immune system to be as strong as possible, so when they encounter the germs, their body is ready to fight. Here is a list of items that can boost your kid’s immunity.

Almonds for strong immunity

Almonds are filled with magnesium and Vitamin E. This is a powerful immune-boosting duo that enhances the immune system and improves the natural killer cell activity.

Boost your kid’s immune system with Berries

Berries are filled with antioxidants, which help the body fight against oxidative stress caused by free radicals. This keeps the kid’s immune system fighting. There are different types of berries that you must include in your kid’s diet. This includes raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and cranberries. There are times when you don’t get fresh berries. In that case, you can always give your child frozen berries. They are nutritious too.

Green leafy veggies for a strong immunity power

Green leafy vegetables are rich in immune-boosting properties. One of the essential nutrients present in green leafy vegetables is iron. Iron plays a vital role in the production of antibodies and white blood cells. Unfortunately, most of the children do not like green leafy vegetables. Making them eat a handful of greens is quite a daunting task.

TIP: If your kid does not want to eat green leafy veggies, try to make a green “Smurfie” smoothie. Mix some baby spinach, frozen mango, and banana with milk and mix all the ingredients in a blender until smooth. You can also add a tablespoon of sugar, rice syrup, or maple syrup based on the sweetness.

Build your Kid’s Immune system with Walnuts

Walnuts contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for your child in a lot of ways. Doctors believe that omega-3 is best in fighting illness. Several studies have found that Omega-3 can reduce the number of respiratory infections in children. You can sprinkle some walnuts on cereal or a snack mix.

Eggs- The Best Immunity Booster

Researches have shown that when a person lacks Vitamin C and D, they are more prone to illness. Eggs are the only foods that have natural vitamin D. Egg has many other immune-boosting nutrients also like selenium and vitamin B.

Lean meats are good to build your kid’s immune system

You might not consider a leftover pork chop as a healthy snack or that it would improve your child’s immune system. But lean meats are very helpful. Firstly, they have protein, which plays a vital role in maintaining strength. Secondly, lean meats also consist of zinc, which helps white blood cells fight different kinds of infections.

Next time make sure you include the above-mentioned food items in your child’s diet to boost your kid’s immune system.

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