Category : Fitness

Fitness Food

How to Improve Blood Circulation

Do your fingers or hands become blue or are they always cold? Does your body feel numb suddenly or tingle once you stand or sit for a long period? This is what happens when your blood circulation is disturbed.  Generally, after some movement, the blood flow becomes normal. It might......
Fitness Food

Treat Your Cold with These Simple Home Remedies

It is quite predictable to suffer from cough and cold during the winters. People having low immunity power are mostly the ones who fall ill during this time of the year. They try various home remedies to treat cold. For most of us, the age-old remedy, i.e. ginger tea is......
Fitness Food

Tips to Lower your Cholesterol Levels

If your body has high cholesterol, you are at risk of heart disease. But there’s good news. It is a risk that can be controlled. You can increase your good HDL cholesterol and lower your bad LDL cholesterol by making a few simple changes. You may still need to take......
Fitness Food

Foods to Eat When You Feel Sick

Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine is thy food”. It is a fact that food can do much more than providing energy. And when you are sick, having the right food is very important than ever. There are certain foods that have powerful properties that can support......
Fitness Food

Foods to Eat for Good Memory Power

Staying focused and giving the best performance in a hectic schedule leads to mental exhaustion and stress. So, how to enhance brain memory using natural remedies? Now, the good news is that the negative effects of increased mental efforts can be avoided: brains foods along with regular exercise and healthy......
Fitness Workout

Foods to Eat Before & After Workout

Food is the fuel for your body. When you workout, eating the right food prior to that can bring a difference between staying energized and feeling lethargic. Eating the right food after a workout replenishes lost nutrients and helps the muscles to recover. Exercise nutrition tips vary based on one’s......
Fitness Food

Foods That Help in Boosting the Immune System

Feeding your body certain food items may help to keep your immune system strong.  If you are searching for ways to keep winter flu and cold at bay, then your first step should be to visit a grocery store. You must plan your meals to include these natural immune system......