
Is Checking your Smartphone during night bad for your Health?

When you curl up in your bed every night, do you carry your smartphone with you? Most of the people do the same. It might seem like the right time to check your email, play video games, chat with your friends or check tomorrow’s weather prediction.

Several types of researches have been done on the effects of cell phone on health, and it is not good at all. Your evening screen time can be endangering your health and has been associated with some severe health issues.

The moment you start considering your health as something important and start implementing certain lifestyle changes is the moment when you are getting ready for a healthy lifestyle. You must take control. In this case, it is important to understand why you should stop using cell phones at night before you sleep.

It can cause damage to your eyes

The blue light emitted from your personal electronic devices is a part of the full light spectrum. All of us are exposed to it by the sun rays every day, but during the night, the exposure to the same light (emitted by tablets, smartphones, LED screens, and laptop) can even damage your vision.

Several studies have proved that direct exposure to blue light can cause damage to retinas. The retinal damage caused by blue light can even cause macular degeneration, a condition that can cause loss of central vision.

If it is not possible to put down your phone at night, use the Nightshift feature (iOS) or the Twilight app (Android). Both help in adjusting the screen colours for minimizing the blue light emissions to protect your eyes.

It can interfere with your daily sleep

Blue light affects the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep cycle. Not only will this cause fatigue and sleepless nights but can lead to a variety of health issues including weight gain, heart disease, anxiety, and depression.  

It can increase the chance of causing cancer

In addition to adapting your sleep cycle at night, melatonin is a powerful antioxidant. It helps a body to fight against cancer. When your melatonin level is suppressed, the risk for cancer- and other diseases increases.

If the melatonin is disturbed for a single night, it would not cause a serious threat. However, if you are a chronic night-time smartphone user then, you significantly increase the risk of cellular damage, raised inflammation, unhealthy immune system and diseases.

These are some serious health issues which should be thought about seriously.

Live a healthy life. For this, there are a few simple things that one can include in his/her daily life. These are:

  • Shut down your phone while you sleep. You will fall asleep faster, sleep better and wake up refreshed and energetic. The beeps and vibrations will no more disturb your sleep.
  • Check your phone when it is needed. Don’t take yourself away from the world and your loved ones. Unless you have some emergency to check something, keep your phone at a distance. Engage in actual conversation. Meet new people every day. Enjoy what is happening in your surroundings.
  • Keep your phone about 3 feet away from your body when you sleep at night. Studies have proved that the greater the distance, the weaker will be the effect of electromagnetic radiation. If you use the alarm on your phone, placing it at a far distance will protect your health and force you to get up in the morning to switch it off. So, no more snooze buttons.

Next time when you face difficulty in sleeping, try these methods. You will for sure, get a relaxing and peaceful sleep.

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