
How Meditation Can Make You Beautiful

Meditation defines a wide range of techniques and practices which are used to focus the mind and create a relaxation state. Some of the common meditation methods include focusing on breathing practices, chanting mantras, reciting positive affirmations, and body scans. What these meditation techniques have in common is that all these put us in a relaxed mode, they bring about vital changes from within.  However, many do not realize that doing meditation regularly can also help us look beautiful. Here, we are going to discuss some of the beauty benefits of meditation.  

Understanding what Meditation is

Meditation has been in practice for several years. Originally, meditation was meant to understand the mystical and sacred forces of life. Nowadays, meditation is commonly used for stress reduction and relaxation. Meditation is regarded as a kind of medicine that compliments both mind and body. Meditation can generate a deep state of a relaxed and peaceful mind. During meditation, one focuses their attention and eliminates the stream of disturbing thoughts that may be disturbing your mind and causing tension and stress. This process, in turn, results in improved emotional and physical well-being.

Meditation and emotional happiness

With meditation, you can clear the excess info that builds up regularly, which ultimately contributes to stress-related issues. Some of the emotional benefits of meditation are:

  • Attaining a new perspective on difficult situations
  • Building essential skills to handle stress
  • Keeping the focus on the present
  • Lessening negative emotions
  • Increasing self-awareness
  • Improving creativity and imagination
  • Boosting tolerance and patience

Beauty Benefits of Meditation

Meditation reduces Acne, Psoriasis, and Rosacea- Several studies show that meditation is great for reducing stress. How is it good for our looks? As stress causes rosacea, eczema, and acne, it affects the skin barrier, affecting its ability to hold on moisture or to treat itself.

A study which was published in the British Journal of Dermatology found that meditation sessions can help ease stress and bring changes in negative thought patterns, which substantially reduced symptoms of various skin diseases.

  • Improves the skin- One of the major beauty benefits of meditation is related to the skin. Meditation can improve your skin and make it look very beautiful. Several studies have proved that meditation can significantly improve various skin conditions. Most of the skin complaints that we generally hear these days include psoriasis, eczema, and adult acne. Researches have proved that the common cause behind these skin conditions is stress. They also occur due to a weak immune system.  Several studies have demonstrated that doing meditation can boost the immune system and reduce stress. This is the reason why several medical practitioners have started suggesting several therapies and meditation for managing stress and treat skin disorders. Meditating regularly can help you to avoid those monthly breakouts or to heal the dry and scaly skin.
how meditation can make you beautiful
  • Maintains healthy weight- Doing meditation regularly may help you to maintain a healthy weight. Several pieces of research have been done to prove that a high level of stress can cause weight gain, especially in the abdominal. Meditation has resulted in lowering the levels of the stress hormone, Cortisol. If elevated cortisol can result in weight gain and meditation lessens the level of cortisol, a wonderful side effect of meditation could be that you can avoid stress-related weight gain. Various studies have also demonstrated that mindfulness meditation can help those suffering from obesity and eating disorders.
  • Eliminates dark circles- Another in the list of beauty benefits of meditation is it helps in eliminating dark circles. Melatonin is a hormone that our body generates to help us get into sleep. Studies have proved that meditation can increase the production of melatonin, thus helping is to get a good night’s sleep. Therefore, meditation may just be the right cure for the under-eye bags that you try hard to hide with make-up.
  • Long and healthy hair- Many males and females find that their hair starts getting thinner as they grow old. Some of the common reasons behind hair loss, like alopecia areata and telogen effluvium, are generally caused due to stress or weak immune system. Thus, doing meditation to handle stress could help you to avoid these common problems of hair loss and make sure that you keep your hair healthy and thick for a longer period of time.
  • Anti-aging- Often we think of stress as being incredibly aging and studies have proved that dealing with life stresses can cause accelerated aging of the cells. As meditation can help to lessen stress and re-balance the hormones, studies have suggested that meditation may slow the process of cellular aging. So, rather than purchasing all the costly creams and lotions that you think will make you look more beautiful, better start meditating for at least 15 days regularly.

Different Types of Meditation

Meditation is a huge term for several ways to a relaxed state of mind. There are different types of meditation and relaxation methods with meditation components. All share a similar objective of attaining inner peace.

Some of the popular ways of Meditation include:

  • Guided meditation- Sometimes known as guided imagery or visualization, with this process of meditation you create mental images of situations or places you find soothing. You try to make use of as many senses as possible, like sights, smells, textures, and sounds. You may need guidance from a teacher or guide.
meditation benefits for our body
  • Mantra meditation- In this kind of meditation, you repeat a calming word silently, phrase, or thought to avoid distracting thoughts.
  • Mindfulness meditation- This kind of meditation is based on being careful or having acceptance and awareness of living in the present time. In this type of meditation, you widen your conscious awareness. During this meditation, you are asked to focus on what you experience, like your breath flow, etc. You can see your emotions and thoughts, but do not judge them.
  • Qi Gong- This type of meditation usually combines relaxation, meditation, breathing exercises, and physical movement to maintain proper balance. Qi Gong is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine.
  • Tai chi- This is one type of gentle Chinese martial arts. In Tai Chi, you perform a self-paced sequence of postures and movements in a slow manner while you practice deep breathing.
  • Transcendental meditation- This is a simple and natural method. In this type of meditation, you repeat a personally assigned mantra, like a sound, phrase, or a word, in a specific manner. This kind of meditation may allow your body to settle into a phase of extreme rest and relaxation and your mind to attain a state of inner peace, without a need to use effort or concentration.
  • Yoga- You perform a sequence of postures and controlled breathing workouts to promote a flexible body along with a calm mind. As you do the yoga poses that need concentration and balance, you are urged to focus less on your busy schedule and more on the present moment.  

With the above-mentioned meditations, you can not only improve your skin but also have a healthy body. So, make sure you practice meditation every day for at least one hour. It is great for your mind and body. You may not be able to do it correctly the first day, but with regular practice, you will be able to do it the right way!

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